Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Little Turkey

Here is my newest layout to go with the colors on Gotta Pixel's Color My Pixel challenge. The fonts are Edwardin Script ITC and MA Sexy. The photo corners are from Scrapbook Bytes.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Little Gifts

Today I did the Shutterbug Challenge at Gotta Pixel. Here it is:

Font: MA Simple Pleasures

I designed the rest myself on PSPX.

Friday, July 14, 2006

1st Entry devoted to Scrapbooking

I love scrapbooking but since my son was born, there is never time for it. I randomly do get cards done, especially since I am so motivated by the price of Hallmark cards being so ridiculous expensive. I few weeks ago on Connected-Moms I was checked out a group called **Digi-Scrapping Group** which all do scrapbooking digitally. Since then, I have been trying it out and I love it. When my son is napping on me, I can sit there are scrap. It is wonderful. I never used embellishments before now because of the cost, but I have found a lot of freebies that are just wonderful.

I want this blog to be focused on my adventures in scrapbooking and photography, mainly centered around my son. Check back to see what I am finding in the industry and what my camera is finding in it's view find. I hope you enjoy.