Friday, June 15, 2007

2 More Digital Candy Layouts

Both I am working on a scrapbook about my pregnancy with my son. I thought that I should write these things before I forget them. Both of these are done with Stacy Carlson's 9 Months and Counting (Digital Candy). The fonts are Top Secret, Joyful Juliana, and Angelina.


Sara E said... are waaay too good.....I doubt I'll ever scrap any of my pregnancies......I'm falling so behind with most scrapping nowadays anyway...ugh!

way to go to you!

Heidi@DigitalCandy said...

I love these!!! I am so inspired to scrap mine too!!

Unknown said...

I used to chart as well..great idea to scrapbook these..all though it's been years since I actually DID a chart!