Sunday, June 10, 2007

Holli Hobbi

Often, when you are a digital scrapbooker, you don't actually ever meet anyone else who does it. There are a bunch of online friends and communities. But to know someone face to face in the "real" world, is rare. Well, one of the Mom's of one of my preschool students is very active in scrapbooking. Her scrapbook name is Holli Hobbi. She has a wonderful blog that even has freebies. Well, yesterday I got the great news that I was going to be a Candy Girl, Creative Team member for Digital Candy. This morning I found out that she too is a CT for them. What a small world? It will be wonderful to still be able to be in touch with her and be able to see her amazing layouts of her children.

Check Holli's blog.


SarahB said...

What a fun coincidence!

Heidi@DigitalCandy said...

That IS a small world! We're happy to have you BOTH!