Thursday, June 28, 2007

I WON!!!

While finishing buying Paula Yagisawa's $2 Grab Bag at Gotta Pixel, Stacy (Fortissimo, Site Administrator) IMed me saying "Congrats! You are our 1000th order."
This is so cool that Gotta Pixel has had 1000 orders!! The amazing thing is that I won 1 kit from every designer at Gotta Pixel!!!! They have some amazing designers. The hardest thing is going to be to choose which kits I want because I just love all of the ones that they have.
The funny thing is, I was just so excited to get Paula's grab bag and see the amazing goodies in there, that I had already felt like a winner. That was defintely a well spent $2.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's cool that you were the 1000th order. How fun to be able to pick out your own prizes.

Chelle Belle said...

HOLY COW! Congrats girl!!!! WTG!!! Now have some fun shopping!

20Birds said...

wow!!! scrap envy here... have fun shopping