Sunday, June 24, 2007

Never even heard of blog tag, but I’m it (thanks to Holli!)-

This time its 7 things about me:

1. Schools out for summer! I just wish that meant I really had time off.

2. I have an obsession with digi-scrapping, which drives my husband up the wall.

3. I can touch my tongue to my nose, yet my son was tongue tied.

4. Sarcasm is a major part of my life because my husband uses it all the time. I sometimes like it and sometimes it just annoys me.

5. I hate thunder and lightning!

6. I am secretly addicted to musicals.

7. Part of me really looks forward to fall and a new set of students to shape and mold.

Now who am I gonna tag? I tag SarahB and the people who leave a comment here!

1 comment:

SarahB said...

Finally did it :)